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FME Shift File

The FME correction file has five values per line with a comma separating each value.
The Shift Point is the point to be shifted, the Reference point is the correct final co-ordinates for the shift point.

One line is written for each shift point.
It is a CSV - Comma Separated Value file format.
The values are in Metres to 3 decimal places.
The data fields are:
  1. Shift Point Easting
  2. Shift Point Northing
  3. Reference Point Easting
  4. Reference Point Northing
  5. Distance between the points
A few lines of a file is below


Geographic Format
The values are in Decimal Degrees to 10 decimal places.
The data fields are:
  1. Shift Point Latitude
  2. Shift Point Longitude
  3. Reference Point Latitude
  4. Reference Point Longitude
  5. Distance between the points
File example: